12 Nissan 5773 / March
22-23, 2013
In this week’s portion, Tzav, we find the specific
instructions delivered to Aaron and his sons as to how to perform the ritual
sacrifices. In particular, we learn
about a few different types of offerings: burnt, meal, anointment, sin, guilt,
and well-being. We learn that priesthood
would only be passed on to Aaron’s male descendants, and we learn that we’re
not permitted to eat certain animal fats (who knew the Bible was so ahead of
its time as it relates to eating healthily!), and that eating blood is not
permitted. And at the end of the
portion, Moses anoints Aaron and his sons (and their vestments), and they begin
their duties as the Israelites’ designated priests.
I can’t help but be fascinated with the concept of anointing
vestments. The notion that certain
clothing can be spiritually uplifted via a ritual process is quite intriguing
to me, as I sit here writing this Dvar Torah while wearing jeans and a
t-shirt. I try to think back to my lucky
sports socks or the baseball hat I wore every day for almost 3 years, and I
have a hard time remembering what it was that made those objects so special and
out-of-the-ordinary. I don’t recall
there being any sort of formal “you are now special because I’ve sprinkled
special water on you” moments…
And yet, our tradition certainly creates space for making
otherwise mundane garments holy. Think
for example of the difference between a rectangular piece of fabric, and of the
same piece of fabric now containing fringes on the four corners (making it a
Even more so, think of the garments we use to clothe our
Torah scrolls, such as a belt and cover.
While in and of themselves ordinary, by virtue of covering our sacred
objects, these garments take on an elevated status of holiness in our
Should the clothing we wear be any different?
If we each contain a Divine spark, and given our traditional
belief that to save a single human being’s life is to save the world, should we
treat ourselves and our adornments any differently than we would those that
cover our Torah scrolls? In a world
where many are unclothed, what would it be like to view ourselves as holy
vessels, and to elevate what we consider routine and mundane, such as our
clothing, to a higher status?
In the traditional morning blessings, we praise the Divine
for clothing the naked (“malbish arumim”). But the reality is there are still many who
don’t have the clothes they need, and that those of us who do often are not
appreciative enough of them.
This Shabbat, take stock of your wardrobe. Examine your relationship with clothing. Donate some of your lightly used items to
help clothe others. Recognize that
simply by virtue of you wearing them, your garments can, if you allow them to,
take on an elevated, and even holy status.
Love it. I'm donating two bags of clothing to a shelter this weekend, inspired by this post. Thanks Dan, Shabbat Shalom!