2 Sivan 5773 / May
10-11, 2013
A Dvar Torah for Recent College Graduates
In this week’s portion, literally translated as “in the desert,”
we find the Israelites conducting a census of all the men who are over the age
of 20 and capable of bearing arms
(not counting the Levites, who deal with the Tabernacle, the reported total was
Once counted, each Tribe was designated a specific
geographic area in which to camp, so that the Tabernacle would be surrounded
on all sides and remain in the middle of the nation. Needless to say, it’s amazing to try and
picture what it actually would look like to have over 2 million people camped
out around the Tabernacle.
Later in the portion, we learn about the various Levite
clans and the specific Tabernacle responsibilities each was assigned. We also learn that the priests were
responsible for covering the various ritual objects with skins and cloths
before a specific Levite clan was charged with physically
moving them (don’t forget – the Tabernacle was portable, and was used while
the Israelites were wandering in the desert for 40 years).
Covering objects -- and portability in particular -- have
been on my mind quite a bit lately. My
guess is that for those of you who graduated last week, packing and moving is
on your minds as well. While hopefully
you’re not bound to wander for 40 years the way our ancestors did, it’s likely
that your next life stage will comprise a number of adventures that inevitably
will involve moving (possibly multiple times if
the New York Times is right).
What do you take with you?
What do you leave behind?
What does it mean to establish a home (apartments count!)
somewhere new? What are the steps that
go into making a space your own, and having it be a place guests feel
comfortable and welcome in?
How do you go about consciously building community
in a new city?
The answers are different for each of us. But asking the questions is essential.
Despite wandering in the desert for 40 years and the
inevitable frustrations that must have arisen due to such transience, our
ancestors were ultimately able to remain a community and stay grounded. They figuratively and literally had something
at their core that bound them together.
Community is valuable. Community
is grounding. And community is worth
building and investing in.
Wherever your journey takes you, whether it’s one that involves
some wandering or is relatively fixed in terms of its location, join and build
the Jewish community of your dreams.
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