16 Sivan 5773 / May 24-25, 2013
This week’s portion, Beha’alotcha,
shares a verse that I would argue is more powerful that just about any in the
entire Torah:
“Now Moses was a very humble man, more so than any other man
on earth.” [Numbers 12:3]
Moses, the man who our tradition describes as the ultimate
prophet (and thus arguably wielding more power than any other human being
alive), is also described as the most humble man on earth in his generation.
What is the association between humility and leadership?
One of my favorite personal rabbis is someone who is
incredibly unassuming and humble, despite his stature as a giant in the
rabbinic world. His humility is part of what
makes him approachable and accessible, and as a result, his wisdom and guidance
are overwhelmingly received with an open heart and mind.
But is humility all it’s cracked up to be? In today’s hypercompetitive job market, it
seems near impossible to land a position without at least a little bit of
self-promotion and strong sense of self-worth.
One of the most revered personalities of our generation is Steve Jobs, and he certainly was not humble. Can we be humble while selling ourselves?
What are we doing as a community to help inspire and show
that we value humility (do we value humility still)? Many of us tell
our children that they’re special. What
we often fail to do is remind them that they’re special… just like everyone
We learn in Pirkei
Avot, the Ethics of our Ancestors, that it is a virtue to be humble in
spirit (Avot 4:12 and 5:22). Maybe there’s
a compromise position here, where we strive to be humble in spirit, and being
such doesn’t diminish our ability to advocate for ourselves when need be.
This Shabbat, reflect on what it might mean to be more humble in spirit. See what it's like to put those
ideas into practice. Report back.
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