Ki Tavo
18 Elul 5773 / August 23-24, 2013
In this week’s portion, Ki Tavo, Moses begins to wrap up his
final speech to the Israelites. The
portion reads a lot like a scared straight
narrative, as Moses basically lays out the most devastating curses imaginable
(going so far as saying that the Israelites will end up eating their own
children), which he says await them should they stray from God’s very specific
Needless to say, this doesn’t seem like a covenant I would
necessarily want to be a part of if given the choice. There’s a lot of pressure… “If you do everything I say, I’ll give you
blessings. But if not, I’ll curse you like woah.” Sounds like there’s just a bit of a power
imbalance in the relationship (pimp – sex worker comes to mind), which
admittedly is to be expected given that we’re dealing with a divine being traditionally
understood as being all-powerful, and that is Biblically characterized as not
only loving, but jealous and wrathful as well.
Given our leadership’s historical mechanism for motivating,
it’s really not surprising to me that for millennia, one of the primary
motivators as it relates to inspiring Jewish action has been guilt (or being
threatened with punishment).
“You have to go to Hebrew school, son, because I had to
suffer through it when I was your age, and if you don’t, you’re off the
baseball team.”
“Why don’t you ever call me?” (says the Jewish mother while
answering a telephone call from her daughter)
“How were Rosh Hashanah services this morning?” (says the
father who knows full well that his child didn’t attend services)
The reality, however, is that for much of the Jewish
community, fear of divine curses isn’t really a motivator these days. As a result, I’m prepared to argue that while
there are some who are motivated by adherence to the Biblical covenant as
expressed in this week’s portion and the blessings and curses it embraces, a
path that focuses more on the joys and warmth of Judaism would be more
welcoming and inviting for those for whom guilt and punishment are not
motivating forces.
It’s time to start envisioning a Judaism so full of meaning,
warmth and joy that people will line up to be a part of the communities we
form, as oppose to attending with resentment, due to being pressured by
external guilt or threats.
As we prepare to enter the High Holiday season in a couple
of weeks, start taking stock of your internal motivations for being part of
Jewish community. What inspires
you? What about Judaism brings you
joy? How have guilt and external
pressures shaped your own experience of the Jewish community, and how can we
break free of those artificial bonds?
Think about the Jewish community you want to be a part of. Resolve to build it.
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